03-13-2023, 12:07 PM (This post was last modified: 03-13-2023, 01:07 PM by Kripal.)
HR manager can reset password for the employee. During the password reset process, locked password will unlock and employee will be able to login with the help of new password defined the the HR manager.
Under the HR manager login, in the home page search box, type the text as 'reset password' and select the option 'Communicate with employees, share or reset passwords, set password policy', user will be redirected to the respective page.
From the shortcut menu, click on 'Reset username or password' link and the system will prompt you to select the employee. After selection of employee, click on the 'Reset' button, the system will prompt you for the new password along with confirm password with details related to the existing password policy.
For the other question, yes, the application does provide a functionality to an employee to unlock a locked account. Steps to unlock a locked account at employee end are...
1. Access the application and logon page will visible. Click on the 'Login problems' link visible on the page.
2. The system will prompt for the username and company name. Input both details and click on the 'Submit request' button.
3. The system will sent an email to the mail id associated with the username.
4. Email will contain a link to reset the password. Click on the link and enter the new password.
5. Click on the 'Submit' button.
6. With the help of your username and the new password, you will be able to login in to the application and the locked account will unlock automatically.